O:se Kenhionhata:tie


June 20: Tipi is raised for the first time in an evening of pouring rain.
June 21: Day 1 National Indigenous Peoples Day
June 25: The Sacred Fire was officially lit
July 1: Day of Mourning (Cancel Canada Day)
August 6: Land Back Rally in Waterloo Square
August 24: Kitchener and Waterloo City council meeting. Fees are waived!
September 8: City staff and O:se lunch
September 24: “Land Back the Movie” premiere gathering
September 26: Social Distance Pow Wow
September 28: Day 100
October 19: Committee meeting demand 3/4 motion passed
October 20: Move to Waterloo Park
December 18: Tipi take down
Willow River Park / Waterloo Park
May 5: Tents erected at Laurel Creek
June 3: 215 Vigil
June 4: Tipi raising, drum circle, and movie screening
June 21: National Indigenous Peoples Day Celebration/Vigil
July 31: Two-Spirit Gathering
August 26: 'Stories from Land Back Camp' movie screening with 'Beans' at Apollo cinema
August 31: Second showing of 'Stories from Land Back Camp' and 'Beans' at Apollo cinema
September 4: Feast and drumming, tipi take down
September 30: Day of Truth and Reconciliation vigil and drum circle
October 15: Drum circle at first Land Back site in Victoria Park

Laurel Creek

Although no permanence was found, drum circles and gatherings continued in Willow River Park over the year.
Willow River Park

June-September: Tionhekwen garden at Schneider Haus
September 1: Keys to Willow River Centre are acquired
October 7: Willow River Centre Open House
November 19: First community Drum Circle at Willow River Crentre
December 2: Mini Merry Market
December 6: First Two-Spirit Circle at Willow River Centre
December 20: Winter Solstice Feast
Willow River Centre
Present Day
O:se Kenhionhata:tie currently runs programming at Willow River Centre at 243 King St E for Indigenous community members and friends to come together and learn from one another, have good conversation, make connections, and foster community growth.